Sunday, January 31, 2021

Does Your Desire Match Your Abilities?



We hear often that the universe is the limit, that our desires are meant to lead us trough life and that if we persist, we will succeed.   My intention with this post is not to burst your bubble, but at the end, maybe I will. 

I am the kind of woman that when society says "go left" I will go right.  Don't take me wrong, sometimes I will go left because it is the right thing to do.  What I mean is that I learnt to question everything, to do my research and to reflect on those topics to finally stand up with an opinion and thank you God for having my back.  


That statement above applies to many popular sayings like: "you have no limits", and "you can become whoever or whatever you want".  Sorry to say, but the truth is that no matter how hard you try, if your abilities does not match your desire, then you will not succeed.  And at the end, you will be tired, angry, and mad at life for all time you have wasted.

This is not about pessimism but a matter of being rational.  If you are not good at mathematics, you can't be an engineer, if you can't process and memorize information  you can't  pretend to be a doctor,  if you are not a fit person you can't be an athlete, and the list goes on.


When was the last time you took an honest look of your skills, desires, goals and interests to see if they are all compatible? And if the answer is no, are you working on your skills?


This is the statement I made for myself a few years ago, and it changed my life (for the best) forever.



That is why limits do exist.


If you have a roof over your head, food to eat everyday, a stable job, and clothes to put on you are doing good.  But when you set higher goals to improve your life you will need to have a plan to succeed and raising the bar to work on your skills is the #1 thing to do.  This is the step many fail to acknowledge.


Despise of popular sayings, as a human you will have limits.  What will separate you from others is your capacity to identify those limits and work to raise the bar and polish your knowledge. For example, If your limit for running is 30 minutes, you can improve your performance to make it 40.   And so happens with everything in your life.


Everyday we must work to raise the bar in everything we are able to do.  This new number will be your new limit till you reach your maximum potential that will finally lead you to achieve your goal.


If your first option did not worked out, there is no shame in recognizing that you will need to walk other roads.  Not every human achieved their true potential in their first try.  Explore new interests till you find one that resonates best with you.  Then, work in the skills needed to get there and keep moving forward.


There is no shame in saying "things did not worked out", but there is shame in staying on the floor defeated by circumstances that you have the authority to change.  I have learnt that will power will take you as far as you want when you have the right skills to work with.


For Example,

I introduced myself in finances by entering the stock market.  Basically I learnt the basics by myself and I keep raising the bar constantly.  Learning the basics of finances to understand the stock market (not an easy task because the market is totally unpredictable) and it turned out well.

Does your desire match your abilities? If the answer is no, you can always raise the bar to make it happen and become whoever you want. Dream big but also, work in your skills. Set the bar higher and higher till you reach your highest potential.

Keep moving forward,



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