Saturday, May 01, 2021

The People Vs Social Media: What is The Problem?



With the creation of social media many aspects of our daily life has changed.  For some it has changed for the better, but for others it has changed for the worst.  Some assure that social media is not responsible for the negative effect its promoted content has had over people, specially the young ones.  However, reality hits hard when one understands the psychology behind the design of social media.


Like if our life was not busy enough with real life worries, responsibilities, deadlines, etc, Social media came to add more things to the list to be busy with or even worst, worried about.  Today, a vast amount of people are busy looking for the new shocking thing that will keep or make them relevant.  From jumping in dangerous places to creating songs that makes no sense at all, people are thirsty to find "their place" in a place that in fact doesn't even exist.  Because, when you turn off your social media, what do you see around?


The Answer is: The real world, your flaws and your true reality.




Everyday at least one person wakes up with hopes of becoming an influencer.  


At the beginning, the process feels nice and fresh, but as time passes, the effort to be noticed does not compare with the results.  People start comparing their numbers to others on their same niche and end up desperate to get there.  They spend money they can't afford to lose to promote content and to buy things to impress their followers or to get new ones.  On the other side, we have normal hard working people comparing their homes, their clothes, their car, their body, and their face to the standards of social media.  


This comparison process starts because social media consumers ignore the truth behind the glamour being showed on their feeds.




I stand confident when I say that many social media accounts are prepared to spark feelings because feelings do turn into actions.  Actions like "If I buy this I will be or look like this person. This means that in a very subtle way, social media drags people to compete with influencers.  Everything starts with "looking for inspiration (influencers favorite word right?), but in reality, people are being mentally exploited  to feel guilty about their current lifestyle if it does not look like the one portrayed on social media. 

The problem with social media is that it "became" a new model of doing business based on exploiting people's emotion.  It is not a coincidence that suicide rates, low self esteem issues, and body dysmorphia are higher than ever.  There is a lot of information about how marketing evolved with social media. Like if TV brainwashing was not enough, they got closer to you with smart phones.

It is a fact that we are responsible for our feelings and actions.  But, how can vulnerable people fight a system that is constantly pushing them to get:

1. smart phones, 

2. and social media (because if we want to "exist", you must have social media right?)

By acquiring a phone and social media, these individuals are being constantly bombarded with the idea that their lives are not good enough. It is a whole social design that is affecting our perception of how our lives should be.

How can we blame someone for wanting to improve their life?  Specially with the constant bombarding of people having the best time of their life thanks to free gifts and trips? Not by working hard, but thanks to free gifts and trips...

The case against social media goes beyond people showing off their wealth.  It is also a matter of how companies and small businesses are taking advantage of a system that easily allows them to exploit people's wallets trough emotions.  

We are a number to our country (SS), we are a number in universities, and now, are we willing to be judged for a number on social media too?




If you feel that social media is not for you, go and delete your accounts.  Don't tell anybody, don't create drama, and just do it.  Start living and improving your life.

Keep moving forward,

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